Monday, November 27, 2006

Congrats to Jason!

We got word little over a week ago that Jason got the instructors position he had applied for!! I'm so proud of him and all he has accomplished!! He's going to be a great instructor and mentor for these new students!!

Wish him well. He starts this Friday!

Sara's Thanksgiving Party

Last Tuesday Sara's class had a little Thanksgiving Party. They got to choose to be a pilgrim or an idian, Sara choose a Pilgrim! Too cute.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Sara and her Bubba

Sara loves her Bubba! Sara awoke this morning asking if we had as much fun as she did last night with Bubba. Bubba came for dinner and then the fun began. He read her a book, played Candy Land, which he won, played Chutes and Ladders, which he won again! and then the sword fight and bow and arrows began flying!! What a fun night!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Bucket of Fun

Sara found this bucket in her room...had a little fun with it!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Look what I learned how to do!! Thanks Tara!!

Fall colors

Yesterday was so nice here that I was so tempted to pick Sara up early from school just to go take some pictures! We did go but after she got out of school. We had fun goofing around and taking alot of pictures!!! Here are a few... I have a ton more!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Pumpkin Day!

On Friday Sara had Pumpkin Day. They had learned all month about pumpkins and on Friday they got to taste different food that had Pumpkin in it. It was fun to be apart of her party and meet her friends and moms.

Sara's friends at school!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

This one's for you PAPA!!

Papa says there's no pictures up of here he is!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Day off

Wasn't planning on taking the day off but Cam was really sick today so I called off work and came and got the kids. We had fun. Surprised Sara at school and we ate lunch with her. Then we went back to Nana's to play. Just a few pics from the day!

We are working!!

Well I've finally done it... I'm blogging.

I think this might be an easier way for family and friends to view pictures and to see what we are up too!

Just a quick run down of what we have been up to around here.

Sara- Still loves Kindergarten! She is doing very well in school and loves to color and practice her letters. This week they have been learning about pumpkins, how they grow and what you can make from pumpkins. Friday they are having Pumpkin science day. All the parents bring in something make with pumpkins. We are bringing Pumpkin Gelato.

Jason- He is almost finished with school!!! YEAH!! His Apprenticeship ends Nov 5th! and he will graduate at the end of January! We are sooo proud of him and all his hard work is going to pay off. He's got a few interviews next week. So say a prayer that God will lead him in the right direction on which job to take. Jason is also taken up football on Sunday afternoons with a group of guys and a few girls! I'm just waiting to get a call from the ER!! He's having a blast and that's all that matters!

Hannah- I'm still doing some photography. Still love taking pictures of Sara, though they are few and far between these days... She has better things to do than stand here, pose here and smile!! Thanks goodness I have my neice and nephew who haven't cauught on to my insane amount of picture taking!!LOL

BTW Love having my sister and family back in VA!! The kids are loving it!! HEre's pic from Tuesday night.

Well, I'll end for now... check back and see what's new.


Posting pic