Saturday, September 29, 2007

Another tooth gone

I'm in NC with my friend for the weekend. Got a call from Sara, she pulled her other tooth out at school on Friday!! She was very excited. I was surprised she did it since I pulled the first one out! She had to go to the nurses office and they gave her a Tooth Saver box!!

Pictures to come when I get home on Sunday.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Birthday Wishes and Missing tooth!!

Happy Birthay to Jason!!!

Sara lost her first tooth today!! Here she is talking on the phone with Nana right after it happened. I had to help her pull it out!!
A little diagram!LOL The other should fall out soon!!
PS. HMMM wonder what the tooth Fairy will leave tonight....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Paint Porridge- Art just for you

Take a look at my friends blogspot. She does some awesome art and can personalize them in any way you want them. If you want more info or want to contact her email me and I'll get you connected.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our First Grader

I'm having a hard time loading pics the last few days.
First day of school went off well. She loves her class and has made
many friends.

Also,Sara has 2 really loose teeth! Teeth have already come up behind them.
So just waiting till they fall out so I can play Tooth Fairy!!

Sara will be beginning Children's Chorus here soon. I found it out
through a friend. It's made up of about 40 kinds from the Peninsula and
they perform at different events throughout the year. So you will be
seeing some of those pictures soon.

Pictures to come soon.