Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Grab some coffee, it's a long one! Halloween stuff

Here they are! 2 cheerleaders and a football player

Playing in the leaves. We have a sweet neighbor Miss Sadie, who is probably in her 80's.

She was raking the leaves out in front of her yard. Sara joined in and helped rake a pile up

so she could run and play in them!! Read below for the reason she has leaves on her shirt.

Today at school they were not allowed to come in a costume, but as a vocabulary word!

So Sara was a tree with fall leaves!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Pumpkin Farm

Sara stayed home today. Finally feeling better. So we went
on a field trip! To the Pumpkin Farm!
Waiting of the hayride.

The animals...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Poor thing...Sick kid

Poor thing got sick last night around 8pm. We were up and down all night. Fever, everything else that comes with the flu! I think that's what she has!

She's feeling a bit better this morning... tried a few crackers and that stayed down! So watching movies and hanging out in bed today.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


No she's not in any type of cheerleading thing, just likes to dress up! Saw this at the thrift store dirt cheap and works perfectly for the harvest fest thing at our church. But no telling, she will probably change her mind and be a princess...sooo you'll have to wait till Wed. to see what she is! She went with a friend in her cheer outfit this time.
She was doing a cheer she learned at VBS.

Jumping again!!

Why not!