Thursday, July 03, 2008

Colonial Williamsburg pictures

Jason took today off. We spent the morning at the pool, just relaxing. J is now a lobster!!
Then we went up to Williamsburg for the afternoon.

Sara and sweet...she loves her daddy!

Finally some good ones of Sara and I together. Since I'm never in pics!! I'm sure you are all in shock!! Especially Grandpa and Grandma Kincade!!!

One Sweet girl...she was really into having her pictures taken today! She kept having me stop to take her pictures. I guess the lack in photoshoots has paid off!!

One last one... going to frame this one...sweet...


Hartman said...

Good shots Hannah!

BetnyNonnie said...

I love these pictures! I know what you mean about not being in the pictures. I try and make sure to ask to be in a few, eventhough I do not like them, haha! Sara looks really tall in the pictures too! Gorgeous family!

JKTJ Nelson said...

Hey guys! Great pictures! You all look great. We miss you guys. I can't believe how big Sara has gotten, we know understand that it does go by fast!